Hensons Estate Agents
Ivy Court
61 High Street
North Somerset
BS48 1AW
01275 810030
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Opening Hours
Mon – Fri: 9am – 6pm
Saturday: 9am - 4:30pm
Sunday: - Viewing by prior appointment only
Telephone service always available
Free Car Park both opposite and to the rear of our building.
Statutory Information
Hensons Estate Agents is a wholly owned subsidiary of Henson, Burdge & Evans hence hbe.co.uk). The partnership was founded in 1952 having acquired the business of W H Henson (established 1909) and later Evans Estate Agents, Nailsea.
Registered Address: Ivy Court, 61 High Street, Nailsea, North Somerset. BS48 1AW
Senior Partner: S.W. H Burdge BA (Hons) Telephone 01275 859888
V.A.T number: 650580348